Bee On Trade

Case Study

Beeontrade’s Solution for Quanta: Transforming International Shipments with Digitization

Beeontrade Product - Beeontrade’s logistics platform and timely service.
Beeontrade’s Solution for Quanta: Transforming International Shipments with Digitization

Quanta is a global leader in providing comprehensive digital transformation and customer experience solutions. With a strong focus on innovation and creativity, Quanta has become a trailblazer in the electric power sector, setting new benchmarks for service quality and operational excellence.

As a global enterprise, they faced the challenge of managing an overwhelming volume of emails and spreadsheets, which hampered productivity and afforded little visibility to mitigate errors and improve supply chain performance.

Quanta needed clear, actionable data to better optimize performance internally and with its ocean transportation partners. To address these challenges, Quanta partnered with Beeontrade, a technology and freight forwarding company, to transform its international shipments and supply chain management.

Quanta faced various challenges in its international shipments, including managing disparate systems for managing shipments, a high volume of emails and spreadsheets, and a lack of actionable data to optimize performance.

a.    Tedious data management
The company had to deal with emails, spreadsheets, and various IT systems across its shipping process, which led to siloed information and a lack of visibility across the organization. With no clear, actionable data, they could not optimize their performance internally or with ocean transportation partners, which resulted in lower efficiency and higher cost.

b.    Inconsistent global logistics operations
Moreover, the company faced challenges in managing its global logistics operation, which involved multiple freight forwarders and customs brokers. This led to a lack of transparency, making it challenging to identify where goods were in transit.

c.    Manual Processes
Manual processes are prevalent in logistics and supply chain management, which can lead to errors, inefficiencies, and high operational costs. Manual processes such as data entry, paperwork, and physical checks can take a lot of time and effort, leading to delays and increased costs.

d.    Lack of Visibility
Lack of visibility across the supply chain is another challenge faced by organizations. This can be due to siloed information, lack of communication, or the use of different systems by different partners in the supply chain. The lack of visibility can make it difficult to identify where goods are in transit and to track their progress, leading to delays and inefficiencies.

e.    Regulatory Compliance
Regulatory compliance is an essential aspect of logistics and supply chain management, but it can be a challenge for organizations. Different countries have different regulations that govern the movement of goods, and failure to comply with these regulations can result in fines and delays. Organizations must ensure that they are up-to-date with the latest regulations and have the necessary documentation to avoid compliance issues.

f.    Inventory Management
Effective inventory management is crucial to ensure that organizations have the right products available at the right time. However, it was challenging for Quanta to manage inventory across different locations and warehouses, especially when demand was unpredictable. Ineffective inventory management can lead to stockouts, overstocks, and increased operational costs.

g.    Supply Chain Disruptions
Disruptions to the supply chain can be caused by various factors, such as natural disasters, political instability, and supplier bankruptcies. These disruptions can cause delays, increased costs, and even complete supply chain breakdowns, leading to lost revenue and damage to the organization's reputation.

To address the challenges faced by Quanta, Beeontrade worked closely with the company to redesign its international shipping process and optimize its supply chain performance. Their customized solutions by a team of experts brought quick and lasting results for Quanta. Some of these solutions included:

a.    Single platform for all requirements
Beeontrade provided a technology platform that allowed Quanta to manage all its shipments and suppliers in one place. This helped to centralize information, which improved visibility and reduced siloed information across the organization.

b.    Actionable data
Beeontrade also provided Quanta with actionable data to help them optimize their internal performance and their relationship with ocean transportation partners. The data allowed Quanta to make data-driven decisions, which helped to reduce the cost of transportation and optimize the use of transportation assets.

c.    A single point of contact
To manage the global logistics operation, Beeontrade provided a single point of contact to handle all communication with freight forwarders and customs brokers. This improved transparency and allowed Quanta to track its shipments in real-time. This solution allowed Quanta to reduce errors and inefficiencies in its international shipments, leading to a significant increase in efficiency and cost reduction.

By partnering with Beeontrade, Quanta was able to transform its international shipments and supply chain management. These solutions helped centralize information, which improved visibility and reduced siloed information across the organization.

They also succeeded in achieving the following results:
●    Reduced shipping lead times by 50%
●    Improved visibility into the supply chain, enabling data-driven decision making
●    Reduced shipping costs by 10%
●    Streamlined the entire supply chain process, improving efficiency and productivity

The result was a significant increase in efficiency, which helped to reduce the cost of transportation and optimize the use of transportation assets. Quanta was able to accelerate the shipping process to 1,000+ unique delivery locations globally, which improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

The solution also empowered 60 logistics analysts, CSRs, and production leads, who were able to make data-driven decisions to optimize the supply chain performance. This solution is an excellent example of how technology can help organizations overcome these challenges.

Key Metrics

  • 60 logistics analysts, CSRs, and production leads empowered

  • Increased data accuracy

  • Accelerated shipping process to 1,000+ unique delivery locations globally

© Beeontrade Inc. 2023